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mONTH 2022

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May is Better Hearing and Speech Month and your 2022 BHSM Committee has a lofty goal of creating a video to help Montana High School students (and others) learn about the fields of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology through a video made by those of us working in the field in Montana. We even welcome help from clients and, if applicable, parents of clients. 


The Committee has started a Momento video account, where we are asking anyone to upload a short video (60 seconds or less) to showcase our field.  There are specific questions to answer, and we will create a reel from submissions blended together.  Making a video is so simple, and we hope to get enough participation to make our idea a reality.  The goal is to help recruit the best and brightest in the Big Sky to study Audiology or Speech-Language Pathology, and then, hopefully, stay here to practice.


We hope to get clinicians/audiologists in all settings to demonstrate the depth and breadth of these fields: private practice, schools, hospital, telepractice, and University research. 


We are asking clinicians who are interested to record a clip of 60 seconds or less. Here's how:

1. Introduce yourself, how long you have been in the field, and where you work (define the setting if it is not obvious).

2. Answer one of the following questions.

Clinician Questions:

  • What do you do at your setting?

  • Why are services in your setting important?

  • How do your services keep people connected?

You can record responses to more than one question if you are moved to do so. Also, you can record on your phone first and upload that video into the site if that is easier.


In addition, we would love to have any family members of clients, or clients themselves, record a clip if they are willing to do so.  There is a sentence at the end of the description in Momento that states that recording a video gives MSHA permission to use it in this promotional media. 


For families:

Introduce yourself or your child in any way you feel is appropriate, then please answer one of the following questions.  You can make more than one clip if you have a lot to say! 

Family Questions

  • How does speech and Hearing keep you connected?

  • How have speech/hearing services impacted your family?

  • How do speech/hearing services help your child?

Client Questions 

  • How has speech and hearing keep you connected? 

  • How have speech/hearing services impacted your life?


Please use this link to record your message by April 30th.


Please look on Instagram and Facebook for invitations to this project that you can share on your social media to broaden the reach of the project. Thank you for your help!


MSHA BHSM Committee, 2022

Amy Anderson

Bridget Loomis

Shelby Midboe

Bridget Monsen

KIm Ramsey


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