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2021 MSHA Convention – FRIDAY Session Descriptions/Learning Outcomes:


Session Title: The Evaluation & Treatment of Cognitive-Communication Disorders

Presenter(s): Michael Crews and Josilyn Ovenell


Description: This presentation will provide participants with information about Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)/Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) to facilitate improved ability with recognition of possible red flags for referral and with determination of appropriate assessment and treatment tools to help their clients' mitigate functional cognitive-communication limitations/impairment. 


Learning Outcomes:

  • Participants will be able to provide cognitive, physical and behavioral/emotional consequences noted following TBI.  

  • Participants will be able to list red flags for recognizing possible cognitive-communication impairments in both children and adults that would guide them in making an appropriate referral for additional services or assessment.  

  • Participants will be able to name at least one appropriate assessment tool to facilitate the assessment of cognitive-communication impairments in adults and in children/adolescents.   

  • Participants will be able to name/describe at least x2 evidence-based practice (EBP) treatment strategies to target impaired cognitive-communication skills both for adults and for children/adolescents and name which cognitive-communication/executive functioning skills area it targets. 


Session Title: “Success with Stuttering ”


Presenter(s): Tim Mackesey

Description: Stuttering is a complex speech impediment that often has concomitant anxiety and avoidance behaviors associated with it. Proper diagnostics and a holistic therapy approach are required to nurture lasting improvements. This program will offer insights into differential diagnosis and an introduction to Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy  (CBT) for anxiety. Participants will learn best practices for fluency enhancing strategies for dialogue and oral reading. Proper collaboration with parents and educators will also be a feature.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify the proper use of fluency enhancing skills (i.e. easy onset and pull-out).

  • List 3 techniques for enhancing fluency in oral reading.

  • Identify 4 of the most common cognitive distortions that lead to anxiety in Children Who Stutter (CWS).

  • Describe how to teach cws disclosure and how to collaborate with educators and parents.


Session Title:  Morning Session: “Touching Lives, Impacting Lifetimes – The research and reality of early life adversity and pediatric medical trauma”

Afternoon Session: “Stories Matter: Embracing our collective stories as helping professionals to heal and connect”

Presenter(s): Mary Coughlin


Description: This full day session will introduce the learner to the science, soul and strategies associated with the adoption of a trauma informed, developmentally sensitive approach to the care of the pediatric patient.


Learning Outcomes: (morning session)


  • Identify 3 biological processes associated with toxic stress

  • Describe 1 physiological and 1 psychological morbidity associated with early life adversity

  • List the 5 principles of a trauma informed paradigm


Learning Outcomes: (afternoon session)


  • Describe the power of story as a healthcare professional

  • Explain the 3 levels of presence and how presence can transform the caring encounter

  • List the 5 core measures for trauma informed developmental care



Session Title: “The Value of Storytelling and Storylistening in Hearing Healthcare: Tools for Placing Patients and their Families at the Center of Care”

Presenter(s): Brittan Barker


Description: Dr. Barker will define person/family centered care (PFCC) and discuss the value of its implementation in hearing health care. She will then discuss counseling in audiology with an emphasis on the notion of deep listening and its role PFCC. Finally she will introduce the concepts of storytelling and storylistening in the field of medicine. She will focus on how storytelling and storylistening can effect change on the front lines of clinical practice when we make time to listen to our patients’/families’ stories and use what they tell us to center there care. Dr. Barker will conclude by sharing recent findings from qualitative studies out of her lab that explored the experiences of people affected by hearing loss via their stories.  


*Although this presentation emphasizes examples from hearing health care, the information is applicable to all healthcare professional in the field of communication sciences and disorders.


Learning Outcomes:


  • Define person-/family-centered care.

  • Define narrative sensemaking.

  • Identify the ways in which clinicians can use patients’ (and their families’) stories to facilitate future hearing health care for those with and affected by hearing loss.




2021 MSHA Convention – Saturday Session Description/Learning Outcomes:


Session Title: “Treatment Approaches (Stuttering): Active/Mindful Listening and Building Resilience”


Presenter(s): Scott Palasik

Description: This session will explore the foundations of active/mindful listening in order to create and build resilience in people of all ages who stutter. When we think of treatment for people who stutter, we sometimes first go to thoughts about fluency enhancing skills and stuttering modification. As much as these are part of the treatment equation, active/mindful listening is a fundamental skill that transcends all of the therapy skills and techniques we teach and practice. During this session participants will explore active listening as a skill, perform two self-assessments with active listening and resilience, learn the benefits of this skill and how the behaviors we perform as SLPs is setting up a resilience in a child, adolescent and adult for their future.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Participants will be able to explain active listening and the benefits with clients.

  • Participants will identify their own level of active/mindful listening through performing an active listening self-assessment.

  • Participants will be able to explain how their actions as an SLP can build resilience with clients who stutter.

  • Participants will perform a self-assessment resilience scale to engage with components of resilience.



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